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REJUV H2, is the first and only water filter to provide the health benefits of Molecular Hydrogen. REJUV H2 in-line filter (2.5" x 12") creates a wonderfully refreshing, mineral rich, alkaline antioxidant water, with molecular hydrogen. REJUV H2 generates antioxidants at a  level comparable too or exceeding water ionizers.

Converts any RO system to an alkaline water ionizer at a fraction of the cost.

See Product Information for a full description of this revolutionary product.

REJUV H2 Alkaline Hydrogen Water Filter

SKU: REJUVH2-2.5x12
    • REJUV H2 2.5" x12" water filter is a proprietary blend of EcoSafe certified fossilized above sea coral, 99.9% pure Magnesium, Tourmaline ceramic balls, Pi Ceramic balls, and ORP ceramic balls.
    • Fossilized Sea Coral, sourced above sea level from the Caribbean, contains Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium,  Sodium, Sulfate, Chloride, Silicate,  and over 70 trace minerals.
    • Sea Coral Calcium has the highest absorption rate of any form of Calcium.
    • Our proprietary blend results in a wonderfully refreshing tasting water, with just the right level of healthy minerals, alkaline pH (9.5-10.2), negative ORP (-300 mV to -650 mV), and antioxidant Molecular Hydrogen (0.7-1.6 ppm)*
    • The filter comes standard with 1/4" push to connect fittings and is suitable for use with any existing reverse osmosis system.
    • REJUV H2 should be replaced after 4500  liters.
    • Recommended for 75-100 GPD RO systems. Purchase the 2" x 10" REJUV H2 for systems 50 GPD or less. 
    • Installation instructions are included.
    • Mounting kit is available (Includes two (2)  2.5" x 2" dual clips, two (2) 1/4" QC x 1/4" stem elbows, and 18" 1/4" LLDPE food grade tubing. 

    *Performances ranges provided cover the life of the filter. pH, ORP, and molecular H2 diminish over the life of the filter.